bottles of Greek olive oil on shelves in a shop

Businesses and organizations that work with bottled and branded 100% Greek extra virgin olive oil and/or related Greek products or services are invited to consider advertising and sponsorship options on, as explained fully in the article. A range of choices is offered to fit any budget on a site read by consumers in 222 countries.

All certified companies that produce, bottle, and/or export bottled and branded 100% Greek extra virgin and/or flavored olive oil are welcome to take advantage of all the advertising and sponsorship options on Other relevant businesses and organizations that work with 100% Greek extra virgin and/or flavored olive oil and/or related Greek products or services are invited to become sponsors or major supporters, purchase banner ads, and take advantage of writing and editing services. The editor of reserves the right to determine which businesses, organizations, and links are relevant to the website's focus and goals.

Advertising Opportunities at a Glance

Major Sponsor's Advertising Package: 1000 euros + VAT for 6 months
Sponsor's Advertising Package: 500 euros + VAT for 6 months
Major Supporter's Advertising Package: 350 euros + VAT for 6 months

Banner Ads: a 270x270px stable jpg image from 10 to 35 euros + VAT per month
There are discounts for multiple sets of pages.

Company Page Ad: 35 to 50 euros + VAT per month

In-Depth Company Profile: one-time charge of 300 euros + VAT for 1000-word profile
Written by Lisa Radinovsky, the profile will remain on the site at no extra charge.


Aiming to promote the high quality and health benefits of Greek extra virgin olive oil to Anglophones worldwide, Lisa Radinovsky launched the Greek Liquid Gold: Authentic Extra Virgin Olive Oil website ( in August 2016 with the technical assistance of Twin Net Information Systems Ltd.

Lisa Radinovsky is an experienced writer and editor who has published articles in Olive Oil Times (USA), Greece Is (Greece), Neos Kosmos (Australia), The National Herald (USA), Hellenic News (USA), Greek Reporter (international), Mercacei (Spain), Tornos News (Greece), Seabourn Club Herald (USA), Lancaster Online (USA), and other publications. An American who grew up in Pennsylvania and now lives in Crete with her Greek husband, Radinovsky earned a BA in English from Princeton University and a PhD in English from Duke University. For more information about her experience and education, as well as links to her recent articles, see her LinkedIn profile is the only wide-ranging English-language website devoted to promoting Greek extra virgin olive oil worldwide. It features content marketing for the Greek olive oil industry in the form of high quality original articles, recipes, photos, and links to additional information under many categories, which are visible on the site’s top menu.


With hundreds of original articles and hundreds of thousands of readers, the Greek Liquid Gold website is promoted through social media marketing, especially on the companion Greek Liquid Gold: Authentic Extra Virgin Olive Oil Facebook page and via article sharing on other Facebook pages and LinkedIn groups. Greek Liquid Gold also appears regularly on LinkedIn and Instagram. Press releases, articles, and updates are sent to American, Canadian, Australian, and Greek (English-language) publications and to Greek consulates. Outreach continues to old and new contacts in and beyond the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia via social media and email, as well as through thousands of business cards distributed to foreign tourists at specialty shops and hotels in Greece and to importers and buyers at expositions.

Reaching readers in more than 220 countries both directly and through republished articles, Greek Liquid Gold has received especially noteworthy attention in the USA, Australia, Spain, and Greece. For example, New York's Total Food Service published a press release about the site, and Mercacei published two of them. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette focused a Food Column on it, Greece Is published an article explaining its origin, and articles from and about Greek Liquid Gold have been featured on the International Olive Council’s Olive News Scoop.It page and republished on the websites of The National Herald and Hellenic News (USA), Neos Kosmos and Greek Herald (Australia), Greek Reporter (international), and Tornos News, among others.

Please note that sponsors and advertisers are more likely than others to be asked for comments for general articles written by Lisa Radinovsky (as opposed to articles focused on particular events in which specific companies are involved), when their input could be relevant to the topic under consideration. That usually means extending the advertisers' visibility far beyond the website when articles are republished.


Businesses and organizations interested in increasing their global visibility with consumers, buyers, travelers, and olive oil enthusiasts are invited to sponsor the Greek Liquid Gold website. Major Supporters and Sponsors will enjoy the following benefits, which will advertise both their products or services and their dedication to helping the people working in the Greek olive oil world, assisting the growth of the Greek economy, and improving the image of the Greek nation as a producer of high quality, healthy products.

For all banners and logos, stable jpg images are prepared and provided by the sponsoring companies.

Major Sponsor's Advertising Package (1000 euros + VAT for 6 months)

  • a 600 word to 1000 word article featuring your company on*
  • a horizontal banner ad (a stable jpg image) below at least 10 articles on**
  • a square banner ad near the top of one section of, linked to your website
  • a square banner ad farther down in one section of, linked to your website
  • your organization or business logo at the bottom of’s home page, linked to your website
  • your organization or business logo on’s Sponsors page
  • a description of your organization or company on the Sponsors page (up to 100 words), linked to your website
  • posts about your organization/business/product(s) on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page twice a month, with a link to your website there
  • posts about your organization/business/product(s) on Lisa Radinovsky's personal Facebook page twice a month, with a link to your website there
  • an Instagram post about your company every month

*The 600 word to 1000 word article featuring your company may be an in-depth company profile if you do not yet have one on, and your company produces, bottles, and/or exports Greek extra virgin olive oil. If you already have a profile on the site or have a different kind of company or organization, we can focus on one or more of your company’s products, accomplishments, or stories, or we can use your company as the featured example in a news story or informative article about a more general topic or issue, as long as the article is relevant to the focus of We can discuss your preference for the article’s focus and arrange a mutually convenient time to work on it. You may republish the article wherever you like after it has been on for one week; it will also remain on the site.

**The horizontal banner ad will be an 870X110px stable jpg image that may include photos, art work, text, or a combination of these. In size and location, it will resemble the Laconiko example under the articles in the News section. The number of appearances will depend on the number of Major Sponsors and Sponsors and is subject to change, but at least 10 appearances are guaranteed for Major Sponsors, at least 5 for Sponsors.

Sponsor's Advertising Package (500 euros + VAT for 6 months)

  • a horizontal banner ad (a stable jpg image) below at least 5 articles on (see ** above)
  • a square banner ad near the top of one section of, linked to your website
  • a square banner ad farther down in one section of, linked to your website
  • your organization or business name and logo at the bottom of’s home page, linked to your website
  • your organization or business name and logo on’s Sponsors page
  • a description of your organization or company on the Sponsors page (up to 65 words), linked to your website
  • posts about your organization/business/product(s) on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page every three weeks, with a link to your website there
  • posts about your organization/business/product(s) on Lisa Radinovsky's personal Facebook page every three weeks, with a link to your website there
  • an Instagram post about your company every two months

Major Supporter's Advertising Package (350 euros + VAT for 6 months)

  • a square banner ad near the top of one section of, linked to your website
  • a square banner ad farther down in one section of, linked to your website
  • your organization or business name and logo at the bottom of’s home page, linked to your website
  • your organization or business name and logo on’s Sponsors page, linked to your website
  • a post about your organization/business/product(s) on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page every month, with a link to your website there
  • posts about your organization/business/product(s) on Lisa Radinovsky's personal personal Facebook page once a month, with a link to your website there


1.) BANNER AD (for most businesses and organizations)

A 270 x 270 pixel banner ad (a square stable jpg file) prepared and provided by the company and linked to its website, to be displayed in the right column of the homepage or in the right column of another section of, including its corresponding subpages. The number of subpages, indicated in parentheses after the section name in the bulleted lists below, depends on the number of subcategories (such as Vegetarian Dishes, Other Main Dishes, Salads, etc., under recipes), and on the number of original articles or recipes in any given category (such as News or Competitions & Awards). The numbers listed in parentheses below are lower than the actual number of pages in many sections, since that number increases as articles are added to the website.

The banners will appear in sets of three which will be randomly rotated into the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd position, near the top of a page or farther down on a page. Banner ad spots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Since some spots that appear full may be available very soon, please inquire about those that interest you. There are three different basic banner ad rates which relate to the popularity of the sections and visibility of the ad (near the top or farther down on the page). For those who wish to display banner ads on more than one page (in the case of the homepage) or more than one set of pages (in all other cases), there is a discount, as explained below the bulleted lists.

Bonus for extra exposure, with one or more banner ads: a post about your company or product on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page, with a link to your website, every 2 months while your banner ad is displayed on

Banner Ad Spot A: near the top of one of the following sets of popular pages (or the homepage)
35 euros + VAT per month for 3 months, or 30 euros + VAT per month for 6 months
•    Homepage
•    News (56)
•    Health Benefits (12)
•    Recipes (30)
•    Olive Oil Info (13)
•    Olive Oil Companies Website Links (7)
•    Agrotourism & Food Tourism (21)
•    Competitions & Awards (44)

Banner Ad Spot B: farther down on one of the following sets of popular pages, or the homepage
25 euros + VAT per month for 3 months, or 20 euros + VAT per month for 6 months
•    Homepage
•    News (56)
•    Health Benefits (12)
•    Recipes (30)
•    General Olive Oil Info, the most popular subsection of Olive Oil Info (6)
•    Agrotourism & Food Tourism (21)
•    Competitions & Awards (44)

Banner Ad Spot C: on one of the following sets of pages, as indicated
15 euros + VAT per month for 3 months, or 10 euros + VAT per month for 6 months
•    Photo Gallery (5) (near the top)
•    Conferences & Classes (11) (near the top)
•    Greek Innovations (4) (near the top)
•    For Greek Producers (5) (near the top)
•    Conferences & Classes (11) (farther down)
•    For Greek Producers (5) (farther down)

Discounts for multiple sets of pages using the same banner image (or 2 different images, for 3 or more sets). The homepage counts as 1 set.
•    For any 2 sets of pages, subtract 10% of the total base price (before VAT).
•    For any 3 sets of pages, subtract 15% of the total base price (before VAT).
•    For any 4 sets of pages, subtract 20% of the total base price (before VAT).
•    For any 5 sets of pages (or more), subtract 25% of the total base price (before VAT).

2.) COMPANY PAGE AD (for Greek olive oil companies, including Greek EVOO producers, bottlers, and exporters)

A company page ad on provides an introduction to your olive oil company along with key information about it, including contact information, location, awards, certifications, photos, and featured products, so potential buyers and consumers can quickly find out what they need to know.

50 euros + VAT per month for 3 months, or 35 euros + VAT per month for 6 months

Your company page in the Olive Oil Companies section of the site will feature the following:

  • Introduction, small photo, and link at the beginning of the Company Pages section
  • Company description (up to 200 words) highlighting noteworthy aspects of the company (description or draft provided by the company and edited by Lisa Radinovsky in consultation with a company representative)
  • Company contact info
  • Google Map, if available with a link provided by the company
  • Photos: up to 6 very horizontal stable jpg files, provided by the company (1 large, up to 5 small)
  • Video (YouTube or other online video) if desired and available, provided by the company
  • Awards & Certificates list, provided by the company in a format consistent with other lists on
  • Featured Product Information (up to 100 words, provided by the company and edited by Lisa Radinovsky in consultation with a company representative)

Bonus for extra exposure: a post about your company or product(s) on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page, with a link to your company page ad, every 2 months while your Company Page is on

3.) IN-DEPTH COMPANY PROFILE (for Greek olive oil companies, including Greek EVOO producers, bottlers, and exporters)

A one-time charge of 300 euros + VAT for a company profile (which may include a product presentation) of a total of up to 1000 words based on information or a rough draft that companies provide, but written or edited by Lisa Radinovsky. Two or three very horizontal photos (stable jpg files) will also be included: one large, one small, and one small introductory photo for use on pages linked to the profile. 

The profile will remain on the site without additional charge as part of an information database to help this site remain the go-to place for Greek olive oil information. (For the same reason, a free listing of company names and website links will be provided on request to anyone producing certified 100% Greek bottled and branded extra virgin olive oil.) The in-depth profile will be introduced on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page, and its introduction (with a photo) will appear on the Greek Liquid Gold website homepage for at least three days after appearing on the site (and generally much longer), as well as being permanently introduced on another page on the site. Profiles will be written on a first come, first served basis, as soon as possible and as time permits.

Bonus for extra exposure: a post about your company or product(s) on the Greek Liquid Gold Facebook page, with a link to your profile, every 2 months.


20 euros + VAT per hour for Lisa Radinovsky’s writing, editing, and proofreading services:

•    articles
•    newsletters
•    website text
•    press releases
•    advertisements
•    correspondence
•    presentations
•    brochures
•    posters
•    and more

If a Microsoft Word version of all the text to be edited and/or proofread is submitted by email in advance, a price can be arranged in advance. Otherwise, editing and writing will be invoiced based on the hours worked.


Sponsored posts for should

  • contain 600-800 words
  • avoid repeating news or information already provided on the site
  • be focused on a topic that is clearly relevant to one of’s menu items
  • be written and edited according to’s strict standards for relevance, quality, integrity, accuracy, style, and tone
  • avoid promoting oils or fats other than 100% Greek bottled and branded extra virgin olive oil
  • be accompanied by one 870x360px stable jpg image to be displayed at the top of the article, plus one 420x250px stable jpg image to be used as an introductory photo
  • either be written by an expert in the subject discussed, with verifiable qualifications listed below the article with a relevant link for more info, or include hyperlinked citations to respected mainstream sources that support the facts and claims in the article

Links to other sites are permitted only for reputable sites that provide relevant, accurate information and/or sell high-quality products or services consistent with’s focus on natural products from the Greek Mediterranean diet and related services.

Sponsored posts are subject to editorial approval and may be rejected at the discretion of the editor of if deemed unsuitable for the site for any reason, in the editor’s opinion. If approved for publication, sponsored posts will be clearly labeled “Sponsored post,” with a note saying “Post sponsored by [company name],” and the actual author will be listed after “written by.”

For the photos, text, information, and ideas used, sponsors will be responsible for ensuring that plagiarism and copyright infringement are avoided. Sponsors must have the right to publish the photos they provide.


Written by Lisa Radinovsky using information and/or notes provided by the company: 350 euros + bank fees + VAT, if applicable, to be paid by transfer into a designated bank account

Edited by Lisa Radinovsky, written by a representative chosen by the sponsor: 200 euros + bank fees + VAT, if applicable, to be paid by transfer into a designated bank account

Note: Certified Greek olive oil companies that sell bottled and branded 100% Greek extra virgin olive oil may also purchase Company Page Ads and In-Depth Company Profiles which are not labeled as sponsored posts because their entire sections are set off from the site’s news and information articles.  

For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..